

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Who knew so much could happen when you get out of bed before noon?

So the weather has cooled down considerably (finally!).

Stormy has been to the vet and has a clear diagnosis of non functioning liver. We've been doing some reading and I'm not sure if it's hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) or cholangiohepatitis, but we are still waiting on some blood work results from the vet. My concern is we will have to force feed him, but the prognosis isn't horrible with treatment so we'll see. I have faith in Dr. Michael!

Mark and I have finally joined a gym (Fitness First) so I'm trying to set up some kind of routine. The memberships are horrifically expensive at all the gyms we looked at (I assume it's because there is nowhere near the same competition as there is in California - which probably also explains why I'm skinny in Germany compared to CA!! ;-) This location is a 15 minute walk from home and the facilities are air conditioned and clean, so why not.

The membership includes 5x30 minutes lessons with a trainer so I'm trying to schedule them in the morning just to get me out of bed! The second session today was fun and the trainer I'm working with is super nice - and has even offered to show me around town. Little does she know I will take her up on that!

On my way home, I walked through the Luisenplatz. Since I must look like a lost soul in my sweaty workout gear listening to my ipod, I was approached by 2 girls who were clearly on their mission from the Church of Jesus Christ. Now, I am not particularly religious, and really don't have a problem with other people's religions as long as they are not too preachy about it, right?

Turns out these girls are from California and were super nice. I think I came across as a little desperate to chat since I spilled my life story in about 4 sentences, but, they did say that they offer free German language lessons on Wednesday nights as part of their "service to the community". So, I've decided the Mormons are going to teach me German. Because it's free. And who am I to deprive them of their opportunity to serve? (as long as they are clear about the whole I'm not religious thing...what harm can it do???)

After leaving my new best Mormon friends, I walked through the town square and all hell was breaking loose! The cops were there, and an ambulance, and it appears that a fight had taken place between what I assume were a few residence of the platz (based on the lack of clothes and abundance of beer?) Blood everywhere, and some tall drunken man in hand cuffs being escorted to the ambulance. All this before noon! Who knew Germany was as exciting at the Bourne Identity movies made it out to be!

Tonight is the first meeting of the new Darmstadt book club as organized by a few keeners on I'm really looking forward to it (but hope that it becomes a little less about the books and a little more about getting together for drinks once a month with some cool people who speak English!) Anyone interested in joining, just let me know!!

And it looks like we may be heading to ROMA for 24 hours this weekend! Friends from CA will be there for a few days and we found relatively cheap flights so figure we should make the best of it....

My only worry is leaving the Stormy bear for 36hours in his condition. But the decision was made that the point of this little jaunt to Germany was to travel Europe, so here goes...Maybe I can ask the Mormons to pray for him while we're gone?


  1. It is fun to get out and work out as well as meet new friends. next time take the srormmeister as he might meet some new friend as well.

  2. Hi Bonnie, so great reading your blog, I have tried unsuccessfully to send you comments, so I mentioned it to Lorraine. She got your Dad to figure it out, and I have just read his comments. So I am going to follow his instructions, and see if I get through.

    Maureen Power
