

Monday, August 9, 2010

And the Oscar goes to...

Excuse the title, it was the only move reference I could think of...

But, we've discovered what might be the best thing about movie theaters in Germany. They serve beer and wine! In lovely wine glasses and everything!!

Since we are leaving for Ireland tomorrow to visit Mark's family for a couple of days, we decided that this weekend was not meant for a fancy getaway to exotic parts of Europe.

Instead, we honoured the great American date tradition - dinner and a movie (or in our case, movie and dinner)...only in Frankfurt.

Frankfurt has a selection of original language movie theaters, so we decided to check out Inception and see what all the fuss was about. The movie was great, but frankly the whole trip was worth it just for the concession stand! The candy selection was dire (M&M's were the only thing that could technically qualify as candy...) however, they did have the requisite popcorn and nachos with plastic cheese (which of course we ordered, along with M&M's). But...the best part...they served beer. And wine. And for an extra 2 euros, you got a real wine glass with a poker chip so you could get your money back if you returned the glass. How great is that! I'm thinking you should just keep the glass and in 4 movies have a 4 piece serving set for only 8 euros! Cheaper than Ikea! I must say I was thoroughly impressed. Yes, I took a picture...

After the movie we hopped on the subway to "Goldman Restaurant" on Hanauer Landstrasse in Frankfurt. For 80 euros each, they have a "surprise" 5 course tasting menu and wine pairing which was excellent and worth every penny. (although I wonder if they'd drop 2 euros off the price if I brought my movie wine glass? Must try that next time!)

All in all a great date night and a nice weekend home before the Glens of Antrim festival in the Dall.

If nothing else, the next 5 days promise to be full of blog worthy 2 years ago when a man walked into the bar with a donkey...really...gotta love small towns!

1 comment:

  1. Movie wine! I love it. I wonder why it hasn't caught on in Canada.
